Tuesday, May 7, 2013. Parenthood Should Have a No-Return Policy. Motherhood was not something I aspired to as a youngster. I had no starry-eyed illusions about raising children- because I was a selfish creature, I assumed any offspring I produced would be selfish as well, and would thus require something I really did not want to give. She looks in the mirror and .
Sunday, December 02, 2012. I hope you join us over there! May God bless You All! Sunday, December 02, 2012. Friday, November 16, 2012. Bullet has been working hard on her math and she is still working through Math Mammoth decimals and fraction book.
Monday, July 25, 2011. Heartburn in Pregnancy and What To Do About It. I have had some pregnancies with no relief from heartburn and at least one in which it was hardly an issue.
Notes on a slightly erratic, somewhat fragile but occasionally glittering journey as one woman turns her back on quiverfull fundamentalism and darts toward someplace she thinks might be called Integrity. Monday, November 1, 2010. I can hardly stop thinking about the Cult of Campbell video in the previous post. I need to make just a few quick observations. Their stilted, peculiar conversation at that point, as well as their preaching style later.
An attempt to share the humor of life on a farm and in a homeschooling household of many. Why So Many Kids? Are You Going to Heaven When You Die? A Few of My Favorite Things. Friday, May 15, 2015. Wednesday, April 29, 2015. My baby boy turned two yesterday. He and my dad have birthdays eight days apart;. We had cake together last weekend. And Abram got to blow out two candles.
Sunday, November 25, 2012. The Altar and The Sword. The Depth of the Gospel. Thursday, August 23, 2012. Searched, found, reminded. Sometimes I think I have myself figured out. I assume I see myself clearly, believe I have dealt with my past, think my belief in the Lord is aligned. For some reason, my flesh looks for reasons to affirm t.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. A Brand New Blog Out There. One of my favorite parts of the morning is. Free Digital Scrapbook Software! .